There is nothing like a full body massage when your body is feeling tired and sore. But the facial massage is under rated--there is NO doubt! And when you add some stimulation of facial acupressure points into that facial massage, amazing results can happen for a...

  We are ALL busy people. And in the land of instant communication of cell phones, and texting, our stress levels have seemed to increase over the last decade. Keys To Stress Less Here are some simple tweaks to keep your calm during the influx of demands. 1.  Check your...

It doesn't just feel fantastic! Heat Seekers Love it, yes, but Hot Stone Massage is Therapeutic. When done properly, using the heated stones for the actual massage ( we do not just place the stones in stagnant places on the back), the benefits are as follows: 1.   ...

Optimize your workout Results with Dynamic Workout Recovery! Massage is one of the best tools for recovery of worked muscle tissues, and your whole body systems.  Just as Nutrition and Hydration are important in that first hour following your hard work , whether it's for an hour, or...

The Serenity Space for Health  When we catch ourselves wrapped too tightly in the middle of our workday, or workweek.  We need to recognize when we are there and immediately bring our body & mind into quiet to regroup. The best way to remove stress, and...