
Making it easy: look easy, feel fantastic. How does Massage help this happen? What's the correlation, you might ask. Excellent health is something that permeates the entire person.  When you have a fine running heart and cardiovascular system, you can exercise with ease. When your body is relaxed,...

    Our Feet are the Foundation of Keeping Us Upright & Moving!!   We, as human beings, standing, walking, running in erect posture, are so hard on our feet. They do everything for us! And for some reason, we do not notice the muscles in our feet & calves,...

The doctor always tells you rest is the key for shin splints. And this is sound advice, I’m certain, as I have had a few cases myself, that typically happens when I’m on a rigid work-out/training schedule. Rest could be indicated, but...

It doesn't just feel fantastic! Heat Seekers Love it, yes, but Hot Stone Massage is Therapeutic. When done properly, using the heated stones for the actual massage ( we do not just place the stones in stagnant places on the back), the benefits are as follows: 1.   ...

Optimize your workout Results with Dynamic Workout Recovery! Massage is one of the best tools for recovery of worked muscle tissues, and your whole body systems.  Just as Nutrition and Hydration are important in that first hour following your hard work , whether it's for an hour, or...

Massage professionals help you achieve dynamic & immediate with results with relief of pain, aches, tension, limited range of motion. We are truly artists working with the soft tissues of your body. It is powerful, natural healing....

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Elegant, Charming, Effective Try our Boutique Massage experience in the historic Securities and Exchange Building in Downtown Seattle. Our unique soothing atmosphere sets us apart from other salons. You can chose from variety of our flexible options. If you have...

Stress depletes your total functioning because of the hormones that are being released so frequently and/or consistently--hormones that are only supposed to be released in true emergency situations....