19 Nov To Give You Thanks for Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Seattle!!
It is my purpose as a Health & Wellness Professional, Massage Practitioner, and person, to help people achieve their Highest & Best Self. I so want to support people in knowing they can achieve anything when they make the decision, do the work, and take care of themselves in the process. I have been blessed with some of the coolest, brightest, fittest and most talented clients over the past year. At this Thanksgiving time I’d like to thank you all for choosing me to be part of your Health, Fitness & Self-care Team!
As a Thank You to you All, I am selling my 1 Hour Massage Gift Certificates for $50 from November 23rd through November 30th this year–2015! I’ve never done this before. This price if almost half the regular, competitive price for downtown Seattle. I am doing this in hope that those of you who know the Benefits of Massage, and incorporate it into your Health regimen, will share this gift with those you care about. Friends, running partners, teachers, work colleagues, your regular Barista, daughters, sons, hubbies, etc.
Gift Certificate Purchase Click Here
**Your gift certificate will be delivered by email so please set your email to allow receipt of SusanChasseLmp@gmail or Essenceofthesun.com.
Statistics still reflect the vast majority of people in this country, about 65%, have never had a massage. The Benefits of Massage are vast. I tweet & publish many of them as much as possible on my site, in my brochures & social media often. Here is a link to the AMTA, American Massage Therapy Association, site with some of the many pages of Benefits reviewed. https://www.amtamassage.org/searchresults.aspx?q=Benefits+of+Massage&searchcat=site
Stress Relief, Sore muscles, Headaches, Pain secondary to may conditions, Insomnia, Immune System support, Posture issues, Carpel Tunnel symptoms, Seasonal Sadness or Depression, Restricted flexibility & range of motion in joints, and Many more….
The Holidays are coming into full swing this week of Thanksgiving, and stress runs high this time of year. One of the biggest Benefits of Massage is Boosting the Immune System function. There are also a large number of Marathons, Half marathons, 5K & 10K runs. Athletes needing Recovery Massage sessions. Because of this, I am also pricing any 1 Hour service scheduled during this time frame, November 23rd – November 30th, at $55, (also a great Savings). You can Book Here, or Text 206-383-6977 to reserve your spot now, as there are limited spots.
Thank you, again, Seattle. I am so Grateful to You. Happy Thanksgiving!
Best in Health,
Essence of The Sun Facebook Page
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