Massage Tag

This is a frequently requested service that we are now adding to our Service Menu. We do Couples massage as back to back sessions for each. Typically, Ms. or Mrs. Client will have the first session, and then Mr. will have the second session. ...

Warm yourself to the core with this wonderful, luxurious offering. Rejuvinating for the mind, body & spirit. We use heated stones to massage your muscles. This is a combination of ...

They are the worse thing ever! You get awakened at night by an abrupt cramp in your foot or calf (or anywhere else). You can’t get to it fast enough. So, most folks who suffer from this problem know the immediate fix of ...

I have a client, we’ll call her Jane for today’s purposes. Jane came to me with a history of having a brain tumor removed about 1 year prior. She was in distress when she came to me as she was having daily migraines and seizures,...

With your busy schedule, complicated lifestyle and all that is demanded of you, is it any wonder that your blood pressure could be on the rise? Research is clear that relaxation techniques, utilized on a regular basis do help with controlling one’s blood pressure. ...

I am currently reviewing a lecture series by Professor Richard Restak, Clinical Professor of Neurology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is talking about the brain function, and our body's neurological responses to how we use our bodies. The adaptations...

How Can Massage Alleviate Anxiety? Are you often filled with anxiety from business results, holidays or other sources? Have you been working away at your PC and discovered you aren’t even breathing? Or maybe you catch yourself hunched over, being ‘pulled’ into your monitor:) These are common signs of stress,...

Do you know what's in the massage oil being applied to your body during your session? Your skin absorbs what is in that oil and delivers it through your body cells; so you should make sure it is free of chemicals, or anything other than...

Also known as CTS, this wrist pain can really have negative ramifications in your work and play activities. Do not loose hope on this. Massage is a fantastic tool to work deep in this area & create the space for the median nerve that is needed...

December is upon us, all the neighbors are putting up their Christmas lights, and our schedules start filling with work that needs to be completed before year-end, social engagements, shopping, etc. Busy is an understatement. I want to take a moment to talk about headaches....