09 Apr Create Serenity Space for your Health
The Serenity Space for Health
When we catch ourselves wrapped too tightly in the middle of our workday, or workweek. We need to recognize when we are there and immediately bring our body & mind into quiet to regroup. The best way to remove stress, and the “stress response” is to reteach our body and mind to be quiet. Therein, lies our strength, the ability to solve whatever the problem is, in brilliant fashion and with ease.
One of the best ways a company, or work space, can facilitate in this process is to have a room dedicated to quiet, with set rules to be respected by all, and a space that attempts to bring the healing properties of the outdoors indoors, into the office. This is our “Serentiy Room”. Others may call this a Wellness Room.
This space should be comfortable, inviting and uncluttered. There should be no electronic devices at all in the space. There should be a place to leave shoes at the door, but socks still on the feet. There should be a variety of types of seating, including seating on the floor (floor mats or pillows available) for those who wish to meditate for 5 or 10 minutes. Fresh air through open windows would be nice.
These rooms are also wonderful to have in your home.
The key is interruption. When you are stressed, and feeling your heart rate increase, or shallow breathing, warming sensation, you need to interrupt it. Remove yourself from the situation, and go somewhere quite to breathe deeply & slowly, clear your head of the clutter or problem, and just focus on your body & being still for a few minutes. As you do this more frequently, your body & mind respond faster & faster, and soon you will be able to bring yourself out of any stress instantly upon recognition; and as your progress further, you can actually avoid getting stressed all together.Nice, huh?
Providing tools for clients to live Stress-free lives is what we do at Essence of The Sun. It’s not just massage.
Best in Health to You!!
Text for your $20 Introductory 30 Minute session: 206-383-6977
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