

Deep Tissue Foot Massage & Reflexology

Reflexololgy-Essence of the SunThis is a critical foundation of the human body…the feet.

Your feet are where the tone is set for the balance and function that travels upward in your body.

Another critical area in which clients do not really know is how tight the muscles are in their legs and feet until the practitioner has started working on them. This is where certain stressed muscles, which typically indicate an imbalance happening in the body, tell the story of what the client is doing, how they are moving, or not moving.

How does deep tissue massage help?

The difference is phenomenal. Clients are consistently amazed at the difference after they have had some deep tissue foot work done.

Your muscles tell the ‘story’. They adapt to how you use them in life. So, if you are using one side more than the other, those muscles accommodate, accordingly.

Exercise & Stretching are critical to maintain the balance of these muscles that are strapped through our bodies, holding us together, moving us smoothly through sports and life.

Massage is of fantastic value in assessing this ‘story’ of your muscles and helping to work out the adhesions and imbalances that happen while you are living life.

If you do not get a regular full body massage monthly, it is recommended that everyone has a good deep tissue foot massage at least once every 2-3 months,

This could be the best wellness money you ever spent!!

Book A Session

–30 minute session

–60 minute session

–90 minute session

Susan Chasse
Susan L. Chasse, B.A., LMP is the president and main practitioner at Essence of The Sun Bodywork and Massage. Susan graduated from the Ohio State University with a bachelor degree in Psychology and has spent many years educating herself in Fitness and Health.
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